This function finds the centroid of a set of sf-based features and reprojects them so that each feature's centroid lies at the centre (0,0) of an arbitrary metre-based mercator projection. The resulting features are thus projected overlapping at the same scale,. Note that the resulting sf object has no CRS.

converge(x, by.feature = T, combine = F)



An sf-compatible feature layer, often containing polygons whose size is to be visually compared; REQUIRED.


Whether to reproject by single features by individual feature centroids, T, or reproject all features by a single centroid of the union of all features, F; default=TRUE.


Combine multiple geometries into one, using st_combine; default=F.


An sf object containing one or more features (with no defined CRS)


To visually distribute the resulting features, use the `distribute` function.

See also